Saturday, May 18, 2013

May '13 Newsletter

Praise God for the remarkable ways he has and will continue to work in our lives! In the midst of challenging circumstances, Hannah and I have been witnesses to this incredible work. Over the past few years, our “life plans” have changed and shifted more than we even feel comfortable thinking about. While our journey has at times seemed unpredictable, we want to take a moment to share how God has guided us this far, and to invite you to join us the rest of the way!

As you may already know, we both transferred to Moody Bible Institute in Spokane, Washington two years ago (2011-12). Prior to this, Hannah was taking online classes at Moody, and was planning to transfer to the Moody campus in Chicago, but was accepted to the campus in Spokane, Washington instead. Meanwhile, Jordan was attending the University of Illinois studying engineering, taking part in Air Force R.O.T.C., and slowly but surely becoming more and more interested in Moody’s Missionary Aviation program in Spokane. By the end of the summer we were both flying 2,000 miles away toward the Evergreen State!

Within a matter of days, Spokane already felt like home, and we knew that our big decisions thus far were in line with God’s will. However, it didn’t take long for the next challenge to come. In the fall of 2011, Jordan experienced a bout of seizures that took him to the emergency room, and eventually several doctors’ offices. Thankfully, medication was able to control the issue and he had no more problems until the fall of 2012 when his neurologist recommended that he begin lowering his dosages, which resulted in another bout of seizures. As of now, no cause has been found and medication controls the issue, however, there are several restrictions for pilots with a seizure disorder. This was a major part of the decision to shift from a Flight degree at Moody to the Maintenance Specialist degree. It turns out that Missionary Maintenance Specialists are in much higher demand throughout the world. In fact, while we were researching this option we found this quote on the JAARS (a missionary aviation organization connected with Wycliffe) website, “We talk a lot about pilots – but behind every flight program, there’s a huge team of other people. Right now, our top need is maintenance technicians. They keep the planes in top condition, which makes for safer flights and less delays.”

God has blessed and affirmed us in many ways during the past year providing us confidence in the road ahead. Being home for this past year has given us the opportunity to enjoy family and the community of Grace Church, as well as be involved in ministry through the process of a mission’s internship. However we are now absolutely confident that God is leading us back out to Spokane. Hannah has two years left in her Intercultural Missions degree and Jordan has four years left of intensive maintenance training. God willing, we will be on our way to the mission field after we graduate. As we continue on this journey we would love to have you join us! You can continue receiving our correspondence, and/or commit to actively lift us up in prayer.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. We look forward to how God work in the future!

In Christ,
Jordan and Hannah