Saturday, June 22, 2013

Ta Ta for Now...

Dear Friends and Family,

Well it’s that time. Our truck is loaded up and we’re getting ready for our last night here in town. It’s time to head out. Right now we are experiencing a mixture of emotions. It is sad to leave, but we are excited to see what God has in store.

We will desperately miss our families, our church, our friends, our co workers, and simply Bloomington-Normal. This last year, as well as the previous years spent here, has been absolutely wonderful. We have grown a lot, met many people, and found ourselves loving being here.
But now it’s time for change. We will miss you all dearly. Please pray for us as we travel and get adjusted. Thank you to each of you who have invested in our lives. We sincerely appreciate you.

In Christ,
Jordan and Hannah

Saturday, June 1, 2013

An Update on Jordan's Health

Dear Friends and Family,

A couple weeks ago Jordan returned to his neurologist here in town. The neurologist restated that there are absolutely no abnormalities in Jordan’s MRI, EEG, or blood work that points towards seizures. The Doctor said that one could argue that Jordan has epilepsy, but it is unclear and thus he did not officially diagnose him. Jordan is to stay on his medicine and reconnect with the neurologist in Spokane. Due to the nature of the medication, Jordan needs to get blood tests every six months. The doctor mentioned that in two years, provided Jordan has no other health issues, he may be able to lower the dosages of his medication.

Through all of this, God has been overly gracious to us. We are amazed at how God provided for us and kept Jordan safe. Because of what we have learned about God through this situation, we are confident that God will provide our every need as we move out to Spokane!

In Christ,
Jordan and Hannah