Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Happy and Sad; Theft and Gift.

Dear Friends and Family,

What a crazy few weeks it has been!
First of all we had an absolutely wonderful time road tripping across the midwest! We got to see many wonderful things, had great talks, and simply enjoyed our “vacation”. We arrived in Spokane on Friday morning the 28th and had our truck unloaded in a couple hours with the help of our friends Kevin and Brittany. Almost a week and a half later we had unpacked the last box and had spent a lot of time with Kevin and Brittany exploring Spokane.

Then came the bad news. Jordan’s grandma had taken a sudden turn for the worse. We got the call Monday night that she was sick, and Jordan flew out Tuesday night but did not make it before she passed. Hannah then flew out Thursday night for the visitation and funeral. It was an entirely different atmosphere than just a week prior.

Upon returning to Spokane we discovered that someone had broken into our backyard and stolen both our bikes. This has been difficult for us as we have many memories with those bikes and had planned quite a few adventures on the bike trails in Spokane.

However through all of this we have come to realize more and more who God is and who we are. God is Good. God is Gracious. God is Great. God is Glorious. Our lives are frail and we have no control over them. At any moment we could die. And before God we are thieves and robbers. Yet God himself came and lived, bled and died so that we can know him. And he constantly pours out his grace on us.

God reaffirmed this even today as we found out that nearly all of our tuition has been provided for this semester through different grants and scholarships. We didn’t earn these scholarships. God simply loves to be gracious, a fact that is seen if we simply pay attention.

In Christ,
Jordan and Hannah