Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Dear Friends and Family,

Here we are coming down to the last few hours of October and we haven’t posted all month! October always seems to be both one of our busiest months as well as one of our favorite. Nothing major is beginning or ending, we are in the swing of work and school, and of course, both of our birthdays are in October!

While we really enjoyed celebrating our birthdays together (we might have found our new favorite restaurant in Spokane!), one of the best parts of the past few weeks has been our Practical Christian Ministry, or PCM. Each semester Moody students participate in a PCM by taking part in a real life ministry in our local community such as a food bank or church children’s ministry for example. This semester, we get the privilege of working with a Muslim refugee family from North Africa, teaching them English and helping with the adjustment to life in America. While our interactions started out as slightly awkward, they have developed to the point where we almost feel as part of the family. In fact, the past two weeks when we arrived at their home they had prepared a HUGE meal for us! Later on when we thanked them for the food, Mohammed, the father, gave us a stern look shaking his head and telling us that we should not thank them because we are “a part of their family” and “there is nothing different between us and them”. It’s pretty amazing to see such generosity and care from people who have started over from scratch in a foreign land. We have come to know the family fairly well, as well as several other Afghans and Iraqis who stop in to say hello every time we visit. At times it is easy to imagine that we are already “in the field” serving in some international culture, learning to live life in a whole new way. Needless to say, we have really enjoyed this experience!

We hope you have had a good month as well! Be sure to check back soon for another update on life here in Spokane.

Happy Halloween!