Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Open Invitation

Dear Friends and Family,

Over the past couple months, God has been teaching us something about our home. First of all, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, God has given us a wonderful, beautiful home for which we are incredibly thankful! However, God has also helped us to see that our home is really just a house...That is to say it is not our refuge. It can protect us from rain, but not from heartache. It gives us a place to sleep, but not to rest the burdens of life. Jesus, on the other hand, is our refuge, protector, and place of ultimate rest.

In addition, there are many cultures in the world that do not view a person’s home the way ours does. For example, in many cultures throughout the world, neighbors, friends, and even strangers come over any time they’d like. Many cultures are group-oriented (America tends to be individualistic). They like to do everything as a group, which means someone showing up at your door unannounced is a polite gesture, not rude or inconsiderate. One friend from such a culture told me “You can’t just say, ‘go away, I’m busy now.’ No matter what you’re doing you let them in and do life together.”

This means that since we believe the gospel and also want to prepare ourselves for the chance that we serve overseas in such a group culture, we are opening our doors. Not literally, because Hannah hates the cold. But, we are extending an open invitation to anyone, anytime. We cannot guarantee the house will be clean or anything like that, but please drop in whenever. Remember, you will be helping us to trust in the gospel and prepare to live in another culture! And for those of you who would need a plane ticket to take advantage of this offer… we have an extra bedroom!

Jordan and Hannah Fischer