Tuesday, December 24, 2013

December Newsletter

Merry Christmas!

Christmas 2013
We hope you all are enjoying this Christmas season. For us, with the end of our first semester back at Moody Bible Institute, our attention has quickly shifted to much less stressful activities… such as making Christmas cookies, wrapping presents, spending time with friends, and of course eating those Christmas cookies!
Looking back on this past year, it is amazing to see not only how God has taken care of our needs, but also the ways he has abundantly blessed us. Throughout the past semester, we have continued to receive financial support from many different sources, which has covered the majority of our school bills.
Christmas cookies!
In addition, one of our priorities and prayer requests has been to find a church in Spokane, and we are very excited to say that God has lead us to a church called Soma. In just a short time, we have developed strong relationships with the people in this church community who have encouraged and challenged us in our faith.
In the home of our refugee
family from Sudan/Libya
We must admit that the holidays this year are bittersweet for us as it is the first time we will not be home to celebrate with the rest of our family. However, we are very much enjoying the opportunity to start Christmas traditions of our own. Thank you for all of your prayer and support this past year. We are looking forward to see what God will do in 2014!

In Christ,

Jordan and Hannah Fischer