Monday, March 17, 2014

March Update

Dear Friends and Family,
Dad, Jamie, Hannah, and Jordan on Mount Spokane

It’s been a while since we have posted! Truth is, we have been very busy the last couple months. Our winter break was relaxing, although we really did miss home. Jordan’s dad and sister came to visit us in January, which was probably our highlight of break. The four of us visited Seattle, toured Spokane, and spent a lot of time hanging out and having fun.

Since then school has started. For the most part Jordan is at the aviation school hanger from 7 am - 4 pm Monday through Friday. He has absolutely loved the first few weeks of Aviation Maintenance training. So far Jordan has received his new tools and gained experience using the shop machinery.

Jordan and a friend at the Aviation Hanger.  
Hannah is still taking a full load at the Biblical Studies campus. She is on her way to graduate not this spring, but next spring. This semester she is taking two counseling classes that have proved to be both excitingly interesting and extremely informational.

Jordan is continuing to work as a janitor at Moody, although his hours have been reduced some due to the intensity of the Maintenance program. Hannah is still enjoying her job at Starbucks.

Overall, we have found that we are incredibly busy, which can be difficult at times. Please pray that we will never be too busy doing things for God that we forget that God has already done everything for us. Also pray that amongst our busy schedules we will be able to spend time with each other.

In Christ,
Jordan and Hannah